Grow molokhia (Thinning mulukhiya about 3 weeks after planting the seeds) and all the kangkong died

Thinning molokhia (Mulukhiya plant care)

How to grow molokhia (mulukhiya) in the ground cultivation. Last time, we planted mulukhiya (jew’s mallow) seeds. About 3 weeks have passed since then. The molokhia has grown enough, so we will thin it.

Growing molokhia (mulukhiya)
Mulukhiya (jew’s mallow) to be thinned

Thinning out molokhia (Thinning the mulukhiya plants) – Management of jew’s mallow cultivation

The molokhia (mulukhiya) has been growing for about 20 days since seeding. Thin the 3 molokhia plants and leave only 1 plant.

Planting molokhia seeds (How to plant mulukhiya seeds)
Thin the molokhia and leave only 1 plant
Cut the base with scissors

The molokhia (mulukhiya) seeds were sown in late May.

All the water spinach died (The kangkong is all dead)

I planted water spinach next to the molokhia, and it was growing well, but then it all died. The cause was cutworms. Cutworms are caterpillars that come out at night and eat leaves. I found them hiding under the mulch and got rid of them. I replanted the water spinach seeds.

Molokhia and water spinach
The dead water spinach
Water spinach seeds

Next time, I want to check more to keep insects from eating the plants.

I hope both the molokhia and water spinach grow well

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Grow molokhia (Thinning mulukhiya about 3 weeks after planting the seeds) and all the kangkong died – YouTube