Thin out mesclun greens and leaf lettuce (Starting a vegetable garden from scratch) – Growing veg
How to set up a vegetable garden. (setting up a vegetable garden in winter.) Last time, we replanted seeds and applied additional fertilizer. (In winter gardening, germination rates can be low, so there’s a need to sow seeds again.)
The method for this round of building a vegetable garden is thinning. First, let’s check how much each vegetable has grown.

Let’s take a look at the bed where spinach seeds were sown initially.

It’s growing well. We’ll leave it as is this time and won’t thin it out.

After confirming the growth of the plants, put back the non-woven fabric and grow tunnel. (Place the non-woven fabric loosely to avoid hindering the growth of the plants.)

Let’s take a look at the bed where we sowed the baby leaf greens (mesclun greens) seeds.

This bed is also growing nicely, with the sprouts extending well.

We will thin out the crowded area of the plants.

This is the bed where we replanted leaf lettuce seeds.

This bed had a slightly low germination rate, so I replanted with a larger amount of seeds. Or rather, I sowed too much.

I thin out the leaf lettuce so that there are about 4 plants per hole in the mulch.

Thinning work is now complete. With this thinning, better air circulation is expected, and the plants should grow larger.

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.
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