Prep soil for edamame beans and cherry tomatoes (Edamame and cherry tomato cultivation)

Prep soil for edamame beans and cherry tomatoes

Growing cherry tomato and edamame plant in mulching cultivation. This time, I’m preparing the soil for edamame bean plants and cherry tomatoes. Each bed size is about 60cm x 60cm (2 feet x 2 feet).

Bed for edamame beans and cherry tomato

Fertilizer used for growing edamame and cherry tomatoes

Edamame doesn’t need fertilizer. For growing cherry tomatoes, you need 1 liter (1 qt) of cow manure and 50g (1.8 oz) of chicken manure. (Edamame roots have bacteria called root nodules that provide nutrients. So, edamame doesn’t need fertilizer.)

Edamame doesn’t need fertilizer
The fertilizer for cherry tomatoes is cow manure and chicken manure

Also, for soil improvement, I will use 10 liters (10 qt) of coco peat and 1 liter (1 qt) of zeolite. This soil improvement materials are needed for both edamame and cherry tomatoes, so it will be added to the entire bed. (Both coco peat and zeolite are materials that meet organic JAS standards.)

Coco peat is a soil improvement material made from coconut shells. It helps with drainage and air flow in the soil. It also makes the soil softer, which helps edamame plant and cherry tomato roots grow better.

Coco peat(Roots of edamame and cherry tomato grow better)

Zeolite is a soil improvement material made from natural minerals. It has the ability to hold and keep fertilizers, so it prevents fertilizers from being washed away by rain. Although it holds fertilizers, it still provides the nutrients that edamame beans and cherry tomatoes need.


To prepare the soil for growing edamame bean plants and cherry tomatoes, first use a shovel to dig the whole bed about 30cm (1 foot) deep.

Dig the whole bed about 30cm (1 ft) deep
Put the dug soil to the side

Put 10 liters (10 qt) of coco peat (one bucket) into the hole and mix it with the soil. (Mix the coco peat into the soil using a shovel or hoe.)

Put coco peat into the hole
Mix coco peat with the soil

After mixing coco peat with the soil, put the saved soil back on top. The coco peat is light, so cover it with soil to press it down.

Put the saved soil back
Coco peat is light, so put it deep in the ground
Use the weight of the soil to press down the coco peat

After that, add 1 liter (1 qt) of zeolite to the entire bed. Edamame doesn’t need fertilizer. In the cherry tomato plot, add 1 liter (1 qt) of cow manure and 50g (1.8 oz) of chicken manure.

1 liter (1 qt) of zeolite
1 liter (1 qt) of cow manure and 50g (1.8 oz) of chicken manure
Spread fertilizer in the edamame and cherry tomato bed
Mix the fertilizer into the soil of the bed

Making the bed for edamame and cherry tomatoes (How to make a bed)

After fertilizing, the next step is to create the bed for edamame bean plant and cherry tomato. Shape the bed with a trowel and wooden boards.

As a tip for making the edamame and cherry tomato bed, use a trowel to press the edges of the bed and make it slightly compacted. If you press the edges of the bed, you can maintain the shape of the bed.

Shape the edamame and cherry tomato bed with a boards
How to make edamame and cherry tomato bed
Press down with trowel to make edge firm
Make the top of the bed flat
The bed shape of edamame and cherry tomato is complete

Afterward, cover the edamame and cherry tomato bed with black polythene mulch, and secure the mulch with mulch pins. Mulching is a traditional method for making the growing edamame plant and cherry tomato healthy. Mulch will keep the soil moist and the plants clean. Your edamame bean plant and cherry tomato bed is complete.

We put mulch on the bed of edamame and cherry tomato
The best soil for edamame and cherry tomato is completed

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Prep soil for edamame beans and cherry tomatoes (Edamame and cherry tomato cultivation) – YouTube