Growing strawberries (Planting strawberry plants) – Growing strawberries for beginners

Planting strawberry seedlings (best way to plant strawberry plants)

Growing strawberries in mulch cultivation. It has been about 15 days since preparing the soil for strawberries. This time, I will plant strawberry seedlings.

The variety of strawberries I will plant is Houkou-wase (Japanese strawberry plant). Houkou-wase is a strawberry with a juicy and delicious taste. It is a rare type of strawberry that is not often found in supermarkets. It is strong against diseases and easy to grow, so it is good for beginners in home gardening.

Strawberry growing patch (Strawberry bed)
Houkou-wase seedlings (Japanese strawberry plant seedlings)

I prepared for growing strawberries in late September. I worked on the soil, added fertilizer, and made the bed. (Prepared best soil for strawberries.)

To plant the strawberry seedlings, first, make four holes in the planting area. (I use a mulch cutter to make the holes.)

The space between strawberry plants is about 30cm (1 foot)
How to make planting holes for strawberries
Cut the mulch
Push the mulch cutter into the soil
Strawberry planting preparation is complete

After making the holes for planting strawberries, check the depth and size of each hole. Let’s place the potted strawberry plants into the holes. It should be easy to check once you actually place them in.

If there are any issues such as the hole being too shallow or deep, or too large or small, adjust the planting hole accordingly. Using a trowel is useful for adjusting the size of the hole.

Place the potted strawberry seedling into the hole
Adjust the size of the hole with a trowel

Fill the hole with water up to 80%. Wait a little until the water has drained before planting the strawberry seedlings.

Fill the hole with water up to 80%
Strawberry seedlings should be planted after the water has drained away

Strawberry seedlings are delicate. Handle strawberry seedlings gently during planting to prevent them from breaking or getting damaged. The way to plant strawberries is to first pinch the stem of the strawberry plant between your fingers, and turn over the pot. (Best way to plant strawberries.)

Pinch the stem of the strawberry plant between fingers
Turn over the strawberry pot

Gently remove the strawberry seedling from the pot and plant in the hole. Try to avoid breaking the soil around the strawberry seedlings as much as possible.

Take the strawberry seedling out of the pot
Plant strawberry seedlings gently

Let’s take a close look at the strawberry seedlings to be planted. Strawberries have runners, which are vine-like structures.

Strawberry fruits tend to develop more on the opposite side of the runners. When planting strawberry seedlings, we make sure to orient the runners towards the inside of the strawberry bed. We do this because it is easier for harvesting and cultivation management when we orient the side where strawberries bear fruit (opposite to the runners) towards the pathway.

Strawberry runners are simply long stems from a mother plant that grow into new baby plants.

The direction of the runners is important in strawberry planting
Planted strawberry seedlings

Strawberry planting tips, After planting the strawberry seedlings, return the previously set aside soil and fill the gaps around the hole. While doing so, taking care not to bury the strawberry crown. (Crown is located at the center of the strawberry seedling.) The roots should be covered, but the crown should be right at the soil surface.

Strawberries have a growing point in the crown, from which leaves and runners emerge. Therefore, if the crown is buried in the soil, the strawberries will not grow properly. This is very important:Crown should remain above the soil. Let’s plant the strawberry seedlings slightly shallow.

Return the soil and fill the gaps
Gently press down the soil
Don't bury the strawberry crown in the soil

Any excess soil from planting strawberries should be dropped beneath the strawberry bed. If the leftover soil comes into contact with the strawberry leaves, it can potentially lead to diseases. Let’s keep the surface of the mulching film clean.

Any excess soil from planting strawberries should be dropped beneath the bed
Keep the surface of the mulch clean

Water in newly planted strawberries very thoroughly. (To establish the strawberry plants in the bed.) Now, the planting of the strawberry seedlings is complete.

Water in newly planted strawberries
Planting of strawberry seedlings is complete

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Growing strawberries (Planting strawberry plants) – Growing strawberries for beginners – YouTube