Grow peanuts and okra from seed (Planting peanut and okra seeds) – How to grow peanuts and okra
Growing peanuts and okra in soil cultivation. (Cultivating peanuts and okra from seeds.) How long do peanuts take to grow? If you plant peanuts around this time (early June), the harvest time will be around late October. The seeding time for peanuts this year is a bit late, but it’s okay to do it a little earlier. (Peanut seeds are typically sown around mid-May.)

If you sow okra seeds around early June, the harvest time will be around early August. Okra is a heat-tolerant vegetable that thrives in summer and reaches harvest time in about two months.
How to sow peanut seeds (Grow peanuts from seed)
For planting peanut seeds, we make 2 holes in a plot of about 60cm x 60cm (2 feet x 2 feet). You need about 30cm (1 foot) of plant peanuts spacing. (We use a mulch cutter to make holes for seeding.)

Sow 2 peanut seeds in each hole. The planting depth is approximately 2cm (0.8 in.). Press peanut seeds in to a depth of 2cm (0.8 in.) with your finger.

Cover the peanut seeds with soil, press down with your hand. Firmly pressing ensures that peanut seeds and soil adhere closely, allowing water to spread evenly, promoting uniform germination.

Peanut seeds are a favorite treat for birds. After sowing the peanut seeds, we cover them with non-woven fabric to prevent birds from eating them. (Use U-shaped garden pins to secure it.)

How to sow okra seeds (Grow okra from seed)
After sowing peanut seeds, the next step is sowing okra seeds. Plant okra seeds towards the edge of a plot, about 60cm x 60cm (2 ft x 2 ft). (Any leftover space will be used for cucumber cultivation.)

Similar to peanuts, make 2 holes in a plot.

Sow 5 okra seeds in each hole. The planting depth is approximately 2cm (0.8 in.). Press okra seeds in to a depth of 2cm (0.8 in.) with your finger.

Cover the okra seeds with soil, press down with your hand.

For peanuts, just moisten the soil, while for okra, provide ample water. With this, the sowing of peanut and okra seeds is complete.

Related information on peanuts cultivation(Frequently Asked Questions for growing groundnut)
How peanuts grow (How groundnuts form)
After the peanut flower falls, a stem called a peg grows and goes into the soil. The peanut forms at the tip of this peg, inside the soil. Since peanuts grow underground, if you are using plastic mulch, you should remove it when the pegs start to grow into the soil.
Hilling up peanuts
Peanuts grow their pods underground, so they need soil at their base. For mulched peanuts, remove the plastic mulch first, then add soil around each peanut plant. Hilling up peanuts means piling soil up around the base of the plant. This covers the base a little, making it easier for the pegs to reach into the soil and start forming peanuts.
Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.
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