How to make strawberry fruits support (DIY strawberry support) – Spring care for strawberry plants
Grow japanese june bearing strawberries in home garden. Last time, I restarted the strawberry mulching. About three weeks have passed since then. From now, it’s time for spring care of the strawberries. This time, I will take steps to keep the strawberries off the ground.

In spring, strawberries grow stems from the center of the plant (crown), and fruits will form at the tips. In home gardening, strawberries are usually grown in the ground or in planters. Strawberries planted in the ground can easily touch the soil, which increases the risk of the fruits getting damaged.
For strawberries in planters, you can guide the stems outside the planter to avoid fruit damage. But for strawberries grown in the ground, the soil is close, so you make a “Support for strawberries" as a solution.

Prevent strawberries from touching the soil (How to keep strawberries off the ground)
The support to protect strawberries in outdoor cultivation is made with non-woven fabric. Farmers who grow strawberries in the ground may use straw around the base of the plants, but for home gardening, non-woven fabric is probably easier to get.

The support for the strawberry is placed around the strawberry plants. When the fruit touches the mulch directly, it can get dirty easily, so we place the non-woven fabric support to prevent that. (The non-woven fabric acts as a cushion to protect the strawberries.)

Making a strawberry support is easy. Roll the nonwoven fabric into a stick shape and place it around the strawberries. Use U-shaped garden pin to fix the strawberry support.

To make it gentle for the strawberries, loosely roll the non-woven fabric. A soft cushion helps protect the strawberries from damage. If the fabric is too short, prepare more.
This support not only protects strawberries grown in the ground but also helps keep pests away. (Since it surrounds the strawberry plants, pests are less likely to come near.)

Also, the non-woven fabric around the strawberries is thick, so it helps keep the plants warm. Keeping the ground temperature steady for planted strawberries can help them grow better. That’s the end of setting up the strawberry support.
Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.
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