Growing watermelon vertically (Staking icebox watermelon) – Icebox watermelon growing tips
Growing icebox watermelons in soil cultivation. I explained about the icebox watermelon planting guide in the previous article. It has been about 10 days since we planted the icebox watermelon seedlings.
Today, I will explain how to set up the support stakes for icebox watermelon plant. Since we’re growing icebox watermelons vertically, we should also set up the support stakes early.

We planted the icebox watermelon seedlings in late April.
Let’s grow icebox watermelon vertically (How to support for watermelon plant)
To vertically cultivate icebox watermelons, you need height and sturdy support. So, you also need the length and quantity of support stakes.
For the vertical cultivation of icebox watermelons, you’ll need 4 support stakes with a diameter of 2cm (0.79 inch) and a length of 210cm (7 feet), and 1 support stake with a diameter of 1.1cm (0.43 inch) and a length of 90cm (3 feet). We will use a total of 5 support stakes.

We will set up the support stakes for icebox watermelons in a 'A-frame style’. This way of setting up the support stakes is sturdy and strong, so it is used not only for the vertical cultivation of icebox watermelons but also for growing cucumbers and tomatoes.

The positions to erect the 210cm (7 feet) support stakes are at the 4 corners of the icebox watermelon cultivation plot.

To set up the stakes, first, push the 210cm (7 ft) stakes into the ground by hand. It’s okay if the stake goes into the ground about 25cm (10 inch) deep. If the soil is too compact and the stake doesn’t go in easily, just push it in as far as it will go for now.

Then, use a hammer to drive the stake in an additional 10cm (4 inch). A point to note is not to drive the stake in too deeply. If you drive it in too deeply, it might become difficult to remove when cleaning up.

The support stakes used in vertical cultivation of icebox watermelons are quite long, over 2 meters (6.56 feet). When setting up long stakes, having a stepping stool makes it easier to drive them in.

We’ve now set up four 210cm (7 ft) stakes, with a 90cm (3 ft) cross stake on top.

We’ll securely tie the intersecting parts of the support stakes with hemp twine. (Tie firmly to prevent any movement.)

To vertically cultivate icebox watermelons, you also need a trellis net. The net is the same as the one used for growing cucumbers and bitter gourds, called a 'gardening net’. We’ll prepare two of these and secure them to the support stakes. (The net and stakes are secured with hemp twine.)

This completes the 'A-frame style’ setup. The preparations for growing icebox watermelons vertically are complete.

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.
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