Sweet corn harvest time (Corn picking, fully grown sweet corn plant) – Growing corn from seed

Growing sweet corn in home garden. (Cultivating sweet corn, growing corn plants from seed.) The sweet corn (variety: Honey Bantam corn) that I started growing in May is now ready to harvest. Honey Bantam corn is best corn to grow for eating. This is my first time growing corn, so I’m excited for the harvest.

Sweet corn harvest time (Harvesting maize by hand)

How to grow sweet corn in garden (Corn growing tips) – Best way to grow sweet corn from seed

When to started growing sweet corn? I prepared the soil and planted sweet corn seeds in early May. (Growing corn from seed. May is best time to plant sweet corn.)

Making the soil for sweet corn (Getting the soil ready for sweet corn)

Starter fertilizer for sweet corn is fully ripened cow manure compost, chicken manure, and canola cake. (Cow manure, chicken manure, and canola cake are best and recommended fertilizer for sweet corn.)

This sweet corn is grown through pesticide-free organic farming, so organic compost and fertilizers are used. I also use coco peat and zeolite as soil improvers for sweet corn soil preparation.

Starter fertilizer for sweet corn (Best and recommended fertilizer for sweet corn)

How to sow sweet corn seeds? Sow sweet corn seeds by seeding in hill. Plant 3 to 4 corn seeds in one spot, then thin them out to keep only the best one. (This seeding method is called “seeding in hill".)

How spacing for sweet corn? Spacing of sweet corn is about 30cm (1 foot).

How to sow sweet corn seeds (Planting sweet corn seeds)
Water after sowing corn seeds

About one month after planting sweet corn seeds, in early June, I did the first fertilization. (Side dressing for sweet corn.)

Sweet corn needs a lot of fertilizer to grow, so I give extra nutrients with side dressing. The fertilizer I use for side dressing corn is organic chicken manure. (Chicken manure is the best fertilizer for corn after planting.)

First side dressing for sweet corn (Giving extra fertilizer to the sweet corn)
For fertilizing (side dressing), used chicken manure

About 20 days after the first side dressing for sweet corn, in late June, I did the second side dressing. The second side dressing is done when the corn tassels start to appear.

Sweet corn grows a lot from this time, so give enough nutrients with the side dressing. The fertilizer is chicken manure (organic fertilizer), just like the first time.

Second side dressing for sweet corn (Adding fertilizer to the sweet corn)
2nd side dressing is done when the corn tassels start to appear

Harvest sweet corn (Hand picking corn) – Harvesting maize by hand

When to harvest the sweet corn? The sign for harvesting corn is the silk. When the silk turns brown and dries, peel back the husk and if the kernels are fully grown, it’s time to harvest.

The best time to harvest sweet corn is short, so don’t be late. The peak of corn’s flavor is 3 to 4 days after it’s ready to harvest.

The corn's silk (Sweet corn female flowers)

When the corn silk turns dark brown and dries up, peel back the husk a little. If the kernels inside are plump, it’s time to harvest. (If the kernels are still unripe, put the husk back.)

When the corn kernels are plump, it is time to harvest

How to harvest the sweet corn? To harvest corn, hold the base of the ear firmly and twist it off. (Harvesting sweet corn by hand.) If you pull the cob of sweet corn down while harvesting, it will come off cleanly.

How to harvest the sweet corn (Harvesting sweet corn by hand)
Harvested sweet corn

Sweet corn loses freshness quickly after harvest, so I will pick only what I will eat. Save the rest for later.

Freshly picked sweet corn
Unharvested sweet corn

Eat the harvested corn right away. If possible, it’s best to pick it in the morning. (Corn stores sugar at night, so harvesting early in the morning makes it the sweetest.)

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Sweet corn harvest time (Corn picking, fully grown sweet corn plant) – Growing corn from seed – YouTube