Strawberry bed care (Restart mulching the strawberry bed) – Care for strawberry plants in winter

Growing strawberries in organic farming. Last time, we fertilized the strawberries. This time, strawberry bed care. The strawberries were dormant with the mulch removed, but it’s almost time for them to wake up, so we will restart mulching.

Strawberry bed care (Restart mulching the strawberry bed)

In early January, we fertilized the strawberries to add nutrients. The strawberry fertilizer is chicken manure. (Chicken manure is best fertilizer for strawberries.) This fertilizing will help the strawberries grow in spring.

Fertilizing strawberries
Water the fertilizer and bury it in the soil

Put back the mulch we took off before dormancy and cover the strawberry bed. If there are weeds around the strawberries, pull them out before putting back the mulch. Covering the bed with mulch keeps the soil warm, which helps the strawberries grow.

Cover the strawberry bed with mulch
Pull the strawberry leaves through the holes in the mulch
Restart keeping the strawberry bed warm

If the mulch has dirt or mud, clean it off. (Mud on stems or leaves can cause disease.) Mulch not only keeps the soil warm but also prevents mud splashing. So, keep the surface as clean as possible.

Clean off any dirt or mud from the mulch
Keep the mulch surface as clean as possible

Pick the strawberry flowers, buds, and dead leaves. Leave the strawberry flowers from March. Until then, it is better to give the nutrients to the strawberry plants instead of the flowers and fruit. This completes the strawberry care for now. (The strawberry bed has been re-mulched.)

Remove any dead leaves or buds from the strawberries
Care for strawberries in winter is completed

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Strawberry bed care (Restart mulching the strawberry bed) – Care for strawberry plants in winter – YouTube