Fertilizing strawberries (Best fertilizer for strawberries) – Best way to fertilize strawberries

How to grow strawberries in field crop cultivation. This time, I will handle strawberry plant care. (Strawberry care in winter.) I want to apply fertilizer to the strawberries and add more nutrients. (Fertilizing strawberries.)

Fertilizing strawberries (How to feed Japanese strawberries)

The strawberries were prepared for dormancy in mid-November and are now dormant.

Preparing strawberries for dormancy
Remove the mulch and expose the strawberries to the cold
Dormant strawberries

The strawberries are dormant, but we will apply fertilizer to strawberries. In winter, it takes about a month for fertilizer to work, so we add it early. (Winter care of strawberry plants.)

Chicken manure used for fertilizing strawberries (Best fertilizer for strawberries)
Fertilize the strawberries in January

How to fertilize strawberries? Apply fertilizer to four spots between the strawberry plants.

Apply fertilizer to four spots between the strawberry plants

The amount of fertilizer is 10g (1/3oz) of chicken manure per spot. Dig a hole about 10cm (4 inches) deep, and apply fertilizing.

10g (1/3oz) of chicken manure (Organic fertilizer for strawberry plants)
Dig holes for fertilizing
Put chicken manure into the hole
Manure has been added

Afterward, water the manure, cover it with soil. With this, the fertilizing of strawberries is complete. (Strawberry care in winter is finished.)

Water the chicken manure
Fertilizing of strawberries is complete

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

Fertilizing strawberries (Best fertilizer for strawberries) – Best way to fertilize strawberries – YouTube