2nd side dressing for sweet corn (Giving extra fertilizer to sweet corn) – Growing corn from seed

How to grow sweet corn in the ground cultivation. Last time, I did the first fertilizing when the sweet corn was about 40cm (16 inches) tall. About 20 days have passed since then. This time, I will fertilize the sweet corn for the second time. (Corn growing tips, 2nd side dressing for sweet corn.)

2nd side dressing for sweet corn (Fertilize the sweet corn for the second time)

The second fertilizing (2nd side dressing) time for sweet corn is when the tassel appears. Soon, the ears of corn will start to grow, and it’s the time for pollination and fruiting. The sweet corn plants have grown tall and need more nutrients. Make sure to fertilize well so they don’t run out of nutrients.

Guideline for corn fertilizing time

The first fertilizing for the sweet corn was in early June.

For sweet corn fertilizing, use the same spot as the first time : between the plants. Since we made a cut in the mulch during the last fertilizing, do the same now. Use chicken manure (recommended fertilizer for corn) like before.

Spots for fertilizing the corn (Side dressing spots for sweet corn)
Fertilize in the same spot as the first time

The amount of fertilizer is the same as last time. Add 20g (0.7 oz) of chicken manure to each spot. Insert the trowel about 10cm (4 in) into the cut and place chicken manure in the widened gap.

Chicken manure used for fertilizing the sweet corn
Insert trowel into the slits in the mulch
Put chicken manure in the hole

Add only the needed amount of fertilizer. Don’t use too much. Too much fertilizer can cause pests, diseases, or unbalanced growth. Be sure to use the right amount.

Manure has been added

After additional-fertilizing, water the chicken manure and cover it with soil. We water the fertilizer, chicken manure, to help the soil microorganisms. (For microorganisms, moist fertilizer is easier to decompose.)

Water the chicken manure

Make sure to bury the fertilizer in the soil. If the fertilizer is left on the surface or on the mulch, it can attract pests with its smell.

Bury the fertilizer in the soil after applying it

With this, the second fertilizing for the corn is complete. (2nd side dressing for sweet corn is done.)

Corn fertilizing is done (Sweet corn side dressing is done)

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.

2nd side dressing for sweet corn (Giving extra fertilizer to sweet corn) – Growing corn from seed – YouTube