Side dressing for iceberg lettuce (Grow iceberg lettuce) – Iceberg lettuce cultivation
Growing iceberg lettuce in grow tunnel. (How to grow iceberg lettuce in garden.) Last time, we planted the iceberg lettuce seedlings and set up a netting for grow tunnel. About three weeks have passed since then. This time, we will fertilize the iceberg lettuce. (Side dressing for iceberg lettuce.)
In growing iceberg lettuce, the fertilizing time usually comes about 3 to 4 weeks after planting. For iceberg lettuce, fertilizing is usually done only once. After the head starts forming, no more fertilizer should be added. (Fertilizing after the head forms can cause splitting or poor growth.)
Since the iceberg lettuce is grown without pesticides and organically, we use organic fertilizer for side dressing.
Vegetables like iceberg lettuce and cabbage that are planted in the fall are best planted from early to mid-September.
Side dressing for iceberg lettuce (Giving extra fertilizer to the iceberg lettuce)
To fertilize iceberg lettuce, apply fertilizer in two spots, about 20cm (8 inches) from the base of the plant. Since there are two iceberg lettuce plants, the total number of fertilizing spots is four. Make cuts in the mulch at the fertilizing spots. (to make fertilizing easier.)
The reason for placing the fertilizer 20cm (8 inches) apart is that after about three weeks from planting, the roots will have grown that far. Around a 20cm (8 inches) radius from the base of the iceberg lettuce plant.
Fertilizer works well when placed just beyond the tip of the roots. This distance is about 20cm (8 inches) from the base of the plant. On the other hand, it’s not good to fertilize too close to the base. If fertilizer touches the roots directly, it can damage them, so avoid that.
The amount of fertilizer is 20g (0.7 oz) of chicken manure per spot. Insert the trowel about 10cm (4 in) into the cut and place chicken manure in the widened gap.
Make sure to use the correct amount of fertilizer. In this case, 20g (0.7 oz) of chicken manure per spot. Using too much fertilizer can make the plants more vulnerable to pests and diseases, or cause poor growth. It can also make the vegetables taste bitter or cause a harsh flavor, so be careful.
After adding the fertilizer, water it, cover it with soil, and place the insect netting back. This completes the fertilizing work for the iceberg lettuce. (Side dressing for iceberg lettuce is complete.)
We water the fertilizer, chicken manure, to help the soil microorganisms. (For microorganisms, moist fertilizer is easier to decompose.)
Make sure to bury the fertilizer in the soil. If the fertilizer is left on the surface or on the mulch, it can attract pests with its smell.
Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.