Planting cucumber seedling and trellis for cucumber (DIY A-frame trellis for cucumber plant)
How to grow cucumber plant in the ground cultivation. We prepared the soil for cucumbers at the end of May. (Best soil and best organic fertilizer for cucumber.)
About two weeks have passed since then. This time, we’ll explain how to plant cucumber seedling. (Cucumber plant guide.) Also, we’ll explain how to set up cucumber stakes. Cucumber trellis ideas for small spaces. (We’ll DIY A-frame trellis for cucumber and grow cucumber vertically.)

How to plant cucumber seedling (Cucumber plant guide)
First, make hole in the planting spot for the cucumber seedling. (Using a mulch cutter. Set aside the soil from inside the hole.)

After making the hole for planting cucumber, check the depth and size of hole. Let’s place the potted cucumber plug into the hole. It should be easy to check once you actually place them in.
If there are any issues such as the hole being too shallow or deep, or too large or small, adjust the planting hole accordingly. Using a trowel is useful for adjusting the size of the hole.

Fill the hole with water up to 80%. Cucumber seedling should be planted after the water has drained away.

Cucumber seedling is delicate. Handle cucumber seedling gently during planting to prevent them from breaking or getting damaged. Pinch the stem of the cucumber seedling between your fingers and turn the pot upside down to remove it.

Gently place the cucumber seedling into the hole and fill the gaps with soil.

After planting cucumber seedling, make sure to water them thoroughly. (To establish the cucumber plant in the bed.)

DIY trellis for cucumber plants (Growing cucumbers on a trellis)
To vertically cultivate for cucumber, you need height and sturdy support. So, you also need the length and quantity of support stakes. For the vertical cultivation of cucumber, you’ll need 4 support stakes with a diameter of 2cm (0.8 inches) and a length of 210cm (7 feet), and 1 support stake with a diameter of 1.1cm (0.43 inches) and a length of 90cm (3 feet). We will use a total of 5 support stakes.

We will set up the support stakes for cucumber in a 'A-frame style’. (Vertical cucumber trellis.) This way of setting up the support stakes is sturdy and strong, so it is used not only for the vertical cultivation of cucumber but also for growing bitter gourd and tomatoes.

The positions to erect the 210cm (7 feet) support stakes are at the 4 corners of the cucumber cultivation plot.

To set up the stakes, first, push the 210cm (7 feet) stakes into the ground by hands. It’s okay if the stake goes into the ground about 25cm (10 inches) deep. If the soil is too compact and the stake doesn’t go in easily, just push it in as far as it will go for now.

Then, use a hammer to drive the stake in an additional 10cm (4 inch). A point to note is not to drive the stake in too deeply. If you drive it in too deeply, it might become difficult to remove when cleaning up.

The support stakes used in vertical cultivation of cucumber are quite long, over 2 meters (6.56 feet). When setting up long stakes, having a stepping stool makes it easier to drive them in.

We’ve now set up four 210cm (7 ft) stakes, with a 90cm (3 ft) cross stake on top.

We’ll securely tie the intersecting parts of the support stakes with hemp twine. (Tie firmly to prevent any movement.)

To vertically cultivate cucumber, you also need a trellis net. The net is the same as the one used for growing icebox watermelons and bitter gourds, called a “gardening net". We’ll prepare gardening net and secure it to the support stakes. (The net and stakes are secured with hemp twine.)
This completes the 'A-frame style’ setup. (Trellis for cucumbers.) The explanation on how to plant cucumber seedlings and how to make a trellis for cucumber plants is now finished. (The preparation for growing cucumber vertically is complete.)

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.