Staking white eggplant in ground (Double stakes):Growing aubergines
Growing white eggplant in the ground. This time, I will attend to eggplant tree care (brinjal plant care). Last time, I applied chicken manure as a additional fertilizing for the white eggplants. About 15 days have passed since then. As the eggplant plants have grown taller, I’ve decided to add another stake for support. This time, I will explain how to set up that stake. The staking method for the eggplants this time is called “double-stakes".

Staking eggplant (White eggplant staking method:double stakes)
It’s been about 15 days since the first stake was set up for the white eggplants. Since the branches have grown quite a bit, we will add one more stake.

The first stake for the white eggplants was set up in early June.
The size of the stake used for the double staking eggplant setup is the same as the one used for the first stake. The diameter of stake is 1.6cm (0.63 inch), and the length is 150cm (4.9 feet).

The position for placing the second stake is determined by observing the direction in which the eggplant’s side stem extends. Let’s set up the stake to align along the side stem of white eggplant.

As a point to note in staking eggplant, make sure the base of the stake does not come into contact with the base of the eggplant plant. (Inserting the stake near the base of the eggplant can cause damage to the eggplant’s roots.)

To set up the stakes, first, push the stakes into the ground by hands. (Until the stakes reach their stopping point.)

Then, use a hammer to drive the stake in an additional 10cm (4 in). A point to note is not to drive the stake in too deeply. If you drive it in too deeply, it might become difficult to remove when cleaning up.

Once the stake for the white eggplant is in place, the next step is to learn how to tie the branches. Here’s how to do it using twine. For the branches, keep the loops loose to avoid damaging them.

With this, the process of setting up the white eggplant stake is complete.

For eggplants, it’s recommended to remove all the suckers below the 1st flower, so I will remove them if they are present. (Prune off any suckers around the base of the eggplant, so the plant can put its energy into eggplant production.)

Following is the video for how-to. English subtitles are available.